Who ?

Absolutely everyone can benefit from an osteopathic treatment: children to seniors.

The main reason why people seek the help of an osteopath is pain. Back pain and spinal disturbances are the main problems seen in osteopathic visits.

But the osteopathic scope is much more extensive.

One can see an osteopath as a preventative measure once or twice a year for a check-up even if there is no pain.

Many indications:

- Articular and muscular disorders: sprains, strains, tendinitis, joint pain, cervical pain, torticollis (stiff neck), back pain, low back pain, pubic pain, or any pain due to trauma.

- Digestive disorders: gastro-esophageal reflux (heartburn), bloating, hepato-biliary disturbances, constipation, diarrhea, colic, nausea…

- Ear/nose/throat and pulmonary disorders: chronic sinusitis or rhinitis, asthma, vertigo, headaches…

- Genito-urinary disorders: painful menses, menopausal disturbances, pregnancy monitoring, lower pelvic pain…

- Vascular system disorders: circulatory disturbances, edema, cardiovascular surgery follow-up…

- Nervous system disorders: Sciatica, cruralgia, cervicobrachial neuralgia, facial neuralgia, Arnold’s neuralgia…

- Neuro-vegetative disorders: fatigue, anxiety, depression, spasmophilia, irritability, sleep disturbances…

In addition to various pediatric and perinatal related indications in pregnancy and infancy.

Consulting an osteopath does not exempt you from a conventional medical examination

A consultation lasts between 45 minutes to an hour, following these three steps:

Osteopathy is exclusively manual and uses a wide variety of appropriate and non-traumatizing techniques. The osteopath uses appropriate manual movement to manipulate the human body and detect tensions, imbalances and restricted mobility.

Schematically, there are different but inseparable osteopathic techniques encompassing various aspects of our scope of practice:

- Musculoskeletal or structural osteopathy treats joints, muscles and ligaments

- Visceral osteopathy treats organ mobility

- Fascial osteopathy aims at assessing and correcting disturbances in dynamics of fascia

- Cranial osteopathy treats cranial disorders and improves overall functioning of the cranio-sacral system, through fine touch of the hands

- Somato-emotional osteopathy releases tissue tensions related to emotional shocks

After an osteopathic visit, the patient’s body will need to adjust to rebalance itself. Feeling fatigued after the treatment is common and normal. Best results will be noticed a few days to a few weeks after treatment.

For 2 or 3 days after treatment, the patient may still feel pain and his/her pain may travel to other places. This is a temporary reaction due to the body’s attempt to adjust to treatment. The pain will progressively fade away as the body regains balance. If the improvement is partial or only temporary, it is a good reason to reschedule an appointment.

The number of visits depends on the complaint, but generally 1 to 3 visits are necessary. Visits are ideally spaced out by a few weeks to allow patients to benefit durably from their osteopathic treatment.